Armchair Travel At It's Finest . . . Hello, and welcome to our video blog, vlog, whatever. We are
Al &
Judy who have had wonderful professional careers and now take flight whenever fancy arrives.
Our Bucket List has some interesting places to visit. Judy is a fine researcher and can put together a great itinerary and Al makes the videos and Judy takes the photos. The driving force in the development of our web site is two-fold: to be able to bring visitors along in our travels using visual stories; and secondly to share our experiences with fellow travelers. Our intension is to share what we have researched, experienced and learned . . . and hopefully make your travels even better. So come along, join us, and let us know
what you think.
Okay, so this is how it works. Click on a destination in the menu at the upper left and start traveling. Also, alongside most of the videos you may find menu bars labeled
'More Information' and
'Links of Interest'. Give them a click. We've packed a lot of good viewing and reading in a compact web site.
As a note of interest, all the videos/photos are hosted on our own video server so you won’t be thrown around to other web sites (i.e. pop-up ads) or directed to random videos (i.e. YouTube).
We're glad you’re here. Enjoy and be safe in your travels.
Al & Judy